Designing and construction of 3G networks
3G networks are getting more and more popular worldwide. Superb possibilities which they provide to their users as well as modified technologies allow to rightfully call them Third Generation Communication.
3G networks operate on packed-switched data transmission which allows to implement videotelephony and video on a mobile terminal. Ultra high frequencies on which 3G networks operate, are, as a rule about 2 GHz, data transmission rate is up to 14 Mbps.
3G networks evolution is also in high ecological friendliness. Terminal transmitter's radiated power is considerably lower than for other standards (peak - 200 mW, mean radiated power on most part of service area is about a power lower than the peak one).
3G networks in Russia
In our country 3G networks were started in 2008 virtually simultaneously by the “Big Three” operators upon obtaining licenses and permits for use of radiofrequencies. However, experimental works in this direction were started even earlier. Back in 2007, “MTS” implemented a pilot 3G system in one of the districts of Moscow. This network of 20 base stations made by “Radio Relay Communication” was operating on “MOTOROLA” equipment and was used for research on electromagnetic compatibility, equipment requirements, engineering and economic evaluations. The fact is that “Radio Relay Communication” is at the start of implementation of 3G networks in Russia and its specialists are proud to have been pioneers in this area.
“RRC” and 3G networks construction
At present, “Radio Relay Communication” takes active part in engineering and construction of 3G networks in a number of regions in Russia.
Together with “ERICSSON”, “Radio Relay Communication” have engineered and constructed over 300 3G base stations in the Chelyabinsk, Tyumen, Kurgan regions, in the Khanty-Mansisk and Yamal-Nenetsky Autonomous Districts. Also, at order of “ERICSSON”, over 100 base stations were built in the Ural region for “MTS”.
Together with “NOKIA SIEMENS NETWORKS” over 300 3G base stations were made in Moscow and the Moscow region, Kursk, Nizhny Novgorod and Belgorod regions.
Although the 3G networks are relatively new, “Radio Relay Communication” already has considerable experience in engineering and construction of 3G base stations. Being in the know of latest tendencies in 3G development and having valuable experience, the company's specialists can propose optimal solutions for customers' needs.